
Showing posts from January, 2024

Enthusiasm? No Thanks! An Evangelisch-Katholisch Response To Synodality

T here are those of us within the Church who self-identity as 'Evangelisch-Katholisch' or 'Augustana-Catholic', whose dearest wish is to live to see a reconciliation between Lutherans and Catholics, or at the very least, more provision for inter-communion and joint worship.  This is especially true of both post-war German Churches, where it is hoped that the recent Synod gathering in Rome will go some way towards healing the schism. As such, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Synodical Way (Weg) would be right up our ' Straße' but you'd be mistaken. The Synodical Path is pretty much entirely spirit led and seems mostly based upon personal revelation, with delegates constantly deferring to each individual listening to what the holy spirit is telling us and where its leading us. In his Smalcald Articles part 3 article 8, Martin Luther talks about 'enthusiasm' and totally rejects what he describes as the inward Word, the secret Word and the ...